The Kemnal Academies Trust is one of the largest Multi-Academy Trusts in the South and East of England with 45 Special, Primary, Secondary and All Through Academies in the TKAT Family.

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Safeguarding Team

Newlands Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and we expect our whole school team, including school Governors, staff, volunteers and our parents and carers to share this commitment. This allows our children to feel happy, safe and ready to learn.

We ask you to support us by telling us if there is something going on outside of school that may have an  impact on them during the school day.  If you have a safeguarding concern then you can speak to Mr Turner for help and support. If he is not available you can ask to speak to any of our safeguarding team.

If you or a child is in immediate danger, phone the Police on 999.

Meet our Safeguarding team

Mr Turner

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr Turner is contactable through the school office on 01843 593086 or his email

Martin Turner image
Mr Bailey Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead David Bailey
Mrs Farbrace Deputy Headteacher and Deputy DSL Debbie Farbrace
Mrs Millership Inclusion Lead and Deputy DSL Mrs Millership
Mrs Lamprell Safeguarding Administrator and Deputy DSL Mrs Lamprell
Mrs White Year 5/6 Phase Lead and Deputy DSL Mrs White
Mrs Ball Attendance Lead and Deputy DSL Mrs Ball